Counter strike or league of legends
Counter strike or league of legends


Roster changes will be allowed for the first two matches after that if you do not have five you will forfeit. We will no longer accept entries if your team has less than five players. Players will play a Knife Round to determine sides at the beginning of the match. The last remaining map will be the 3rd map in case of a tie. Teams will flip a coin for first ban and then take turns banning and picking maps from the list of seven in the order below until all maps have been picked or banned but one. The first team to win 16 rounds will be awarded the win.

  • Maps: de_inferno, de_nuke, de_vertigo, de_mirage, de_overpass, de_ancient, de_dust2.
  • This is a Best of 3, 5v5 tournament where first to 16 rounds wins a match.
  • Saturday through Sunday: Double-Elimination Tournament. Staff cannot be everywhere at once, and cannot address issues that are not reported.

    counter strike or league of legends

    Use common sense and don’t be a jerk.įinally, the staff asks that any complaints about cheating or bad conduct are brought to the tournament admin team as soon as possible. Please do not give us any reason to disqualify you. Judgements on what constitutes cheating are ultimately up to the staff. This not only covers actual cheat programs, but also hardware modifications, in-game exploits, violation of our event rules or prerequisites, and anything that could give a player an unfair or unsportsmanlike competitive advantage of ANY kind. If you are eliminated early from a tournament, you may enter another if you check-in at the scheduled time for that tournament.Ĭheating is not allowed in any tournament. When tournaments have overlapping schedules, you will have to choose to participate in one and not the other. Please have Discord installed or be ready to use the web client. We will be using Discord to contact team captains and communicate match information. We will not start until the scheduled time we may start some matches early if certain teams are ready but no one will be required to start early. For tournaments that have dedicated servers, you are expected to connect to our test servers before the beginning of the tournament to ensure everything is working.


    It is up to you to make sure your computer is ready to go we will not delay a tournament for hardware or software failure of an attendee’s computer. This means that not only is your entire team present, but your PCs and team members are set up, warmed up and ready to play. Participants must be ready to play at the start of the tournament or they will be disqualified. For updates, check back here, or bookmark the schedule. ScheduleĪll times are approximate and subject to change. Impromptu pay attention to announcements.įor tournament rules and details check the Tournament Rules.


    Link emailed to ticket purchasers when registration opens. Once checked in, drop off your gear at your table and relocate your car to the garage so that others have room to use the cul-de-sac.įor tournament start times and break times check the Schedule. When arriving, temporarily park at/near the cul-de-sac at the southwest corner of the BSC, use a provided cart to transport your gear inside, and check into the event. The recommended hotel is the Courtyard by Marriott St Louis Downtown West - approximately a 2 minute drive from the venue. Use the visitor entrance signs outside the garage will help direct you. Secure and covered garage parking is southwest adjacent to the venue at 3634 Laclede Ave, 63108.

    counter strike or league of legends

    From 12 AM to 7 AM exterior doors will be locked you will be able to exit, but not enter, the venue. The ballroom is on the lower level - signs will help direct you. The LAN is held in the Wool Ballroom (room 170) inside the Busch Student Center (BSC). All attendees should be familiar with Saint Louis City's COVID-19 Standards and Guidance.Should you request a refund due to a positive test, it will be honored. As a precaution, we encourage our community to take an at-home COVID test 24 hours before the LAN.Attendees are encouraged to wear masks, particularly when not at their seats, but masks are not required.Any refunds requested due to a policy change will be honored. In such an event, this page will be updated and we will do our best to notify the community. If these policies change or any mandates are established, the event requirements will change to be compliant.

    counter strike or league of legends

    This event will follow the health and safety requirements of both the Saint Louis City government as well as Saint Louis University. Currently there are no mask, testing, or vaccination requirements in place - but this may change leading up to the event. COVID-19 continues to be an evolving situation.

    Counter strike or league of legends